About 10n10
About the Web site name
Why "10n10" instead of "10in10"?
First, the 10in10.ca domain is taken (along with a bunch of
other domain names I thought might be appropriate).
Second, I hope to have the site up in French as well as English, someday.
Looking at 10in10 and 10en10, the common characters are 10n10.
Phonetically, dropping the vowel works in both languages.
Third, I have an idea for a logo where the 10n10 will make a lot more sense.
Fourth, as we increasingly move to mobile devices, giving
people less letters to key in seems attractive.
Who's really behind this Web site?
Initially, one guy with an idea. I would like Canada to be a world leader,
and to be a country I can be proud of. It's an idea I grew up with.
Our track record on climate change causes me shame as a Canadian.
We can do better. I know we're a northern country, and we're a
small population covering a big space. However, that does not excuse
us from even trying. We're clever. We're innovative. We fight tyranny.
We welcome the world to our shores. We thrive in a harsh environment.
We're educated, and we have a wealth of natural resources. On climate
change, as a country, we have not even seriously tried. It's time we tried, as
individual Canadians. I know a bit about energy, economics,
transportation and building a Web site. I have already worked on
reducing my energy consumption, and learned a few things along the
way. I wrote a book for consumers about our energy future
(The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy).
I think I have some knowledge and information of value I can share to help
others, if they wish to do this.